Welcome to the Anchorhold!


Why the changes?

The previous page generation logic was really stupid. Every time there was an update, every page would be re-generated and uploaded, which started to take far too long.

Some people have been asking for a search function or complained about the color scheme. Additionally, Anon posted a neat userscript, which inspired to include some of its functionality natively into the site. Some code was even shamelessly stolen.

An update was definitely overdue.

About duplicates

Deduping is done at generation time by comparing the links in a post against those in other recent posts. Posts are included if their set of links differs from previous posts. When a bot appears multiple times in the feed, it's usually because it was posted with different catbox links. This behavior prevents filtering out updates or links to recent bots. If you want to, you can enable aggressive deduping in the options menu, which will only show the most recent post containing any given chub or catbox link.


The search bar supports NOT (-) and OR (|) operators. E.g., if you wanted to find catgirls that were only posted on catbox.moe, you could do this by using negative search terms and searching for `catgirl -chub -characterhub`.

Custom CSS

You can set a custom URL in the theme options to load a style sheet. You can use existing themes as your base by importing them. E.g., if you wanted to use the Night Anchor theme with the 2row-compact layout, you could download the 2row-compact theme from here and change the import line at the top to:

@import url('https://partyintheanchorhold.neocities.org/css/night_anchor.css');

You'll probably also want to change the search bar background to #000000 and, uhh, that's actually everything you have to do to get exactly that. Just upload it somewhere and import. If you just want to try the theme now, here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/fbqe41.css
